From The Kent and Sussex Courier Friday 12 August 1921


The parish of Capel, the long-scattered village stretching from Paddock Wood to Tonbridge and Pembury to Hadlow, noted for its delightful hop fields and orchards, has decided upon a novel form of War Memorial. The idea, which found unanimous acceptance among the parishioners, was the building of cottages in the very centre of this district to remind the inhabitants of the noble part played by the sons of Capel in the Great War. The civil parish of Capel is composed of the hamlets of Tudeley, Five Oak Green and The Alders, and the population is about 1,200. The cottages will bear a tablet recording the names of 32 men from the parish who gave their lives in the war, while it is of interest to record that 160 men of Capel were on service in H.M. Forces.

The Memorial scheme provides for two cottages, which have been erected near Capel Schools on the Five Oak Green side. These are one-storey houses, consisting of living room, bedroom and the necessary offices, and they have been constructed so to cost the parish the minimum amount for repairs, and have been recognised by the Ministry Health for the purpose of grant under the Housing Scheme. The tenants will be restricted to residents in the parish for over 10 years, and will be selected first from aged and necessitous parishioners, who have lost a supporter in the war, and failing these, war widows or disabled soldiers or sailors, the selection being entrusted to the Parish Council. Of the cost - £1,100* - a large portion has been contributed by the farming community of the district.

The formal opening of the War Memorial Cottages will be performed on Sunday afternoon next by Colonel F. H. W. Cornwallis, Chairman of the Kent County Council, who will hand them over to the care of the Parish Council, acceptance being made by the Chairman (Col. O E d'Avigdor-Goldsmid). The dedication ceremony will be performed by the Archdeacon of Tonbridge (the Venerable Avison Terry Scott, M.A ).

* Around £32,000 today