Capel Old News Snippets
The items below have been taken from the newspaper coverage of Capel Parish over the previous century or so. Enjoy reading from the press clippings of the day to discover how Capel citizens were heroes and miscreants, uplifted and saddened, affected by major world events and ultimately just went about their everyday lives.
In a previous March in Capel Parish News...
PRESENTATION TO A POLICEMAN 0n Monday, Police Constable George Parker, of the Kent County Constabulary, stationed at Five Oak Green, in the Tunbridge division, was presented by Capt. Ruxton, the chief constable, on behalf of the South-Eastern Railway Company, with a silver keyless watch, as a mark of their appreciation of his skill in having effected the capture of the man Henry Taylor, who was convicted before Mr. Justice Hawkins at the last assizes and sentenced to ten years' penal servitude for attempting to wreck a train, by placing a sleeper across the rails, at Five Oak Green, in November last.
A STRANGE BET -At the annual Parish Council meeting for the parish, Mr W. Pemble, Tattlingbury Farm, argued with Rev W. R. Holman, of Capel Grange, that if there was a fire engine on his farm, which was about the middle of the parish, the firemen would be a long time before they could get to Five Oak Green. The Rev. gentleman offered, if he lost, to give a new cricket set to the boys of the Boys' School. This was accepted, and the event was witnessed with great interest on Tuesday evening last. The Reverend's sprinter started at the appointed time and ran the distance with a good time to spare, and Mr W. Pemble has since been investigating where he can get the best set of cricket tackle.
IRREGULAR ATTENDANCE - Luke Homewood, a labourer, of Five Oak Green, Capel; Frederick Pocock, Edward Hughes, Charles Fenner, William Godamark and Arthur Puttock, all of Southborough, were summoned for not sending their children regularly to school. Mrs Pocock said the boy in question was their nephew and was 13 years of age. Mr Bellingham said the boy had not been to school since the defendant was last summoned. He fined defendant 10s (about £40 today) and costs, or seven days. Mrs Pocock: I shan't pay. I shall leave the boy with you, as we are not compelled to keep him. The Clerk: The Bench have not fined you, but your husband. If he does not pay there will be a distress on his goods, and in default he will go to prison for seven days. On attempting to speak again the witness was told to go away and left the Court evidently very displeased. In the other cases attendance orders were made.
MAN MUST QUIT - Mr. Henry Walter Ball, a hop drier by trade, was told by Judge F. K. Glazebrook at the County Court, Tonbridge on Monday that he must leave Oast House Cottage, the property of his employer, Mr. Walter Wednesday at Park Farm, Somerhill, Tudeley, in six weeks' time. After a fall five months ago, Mr. Ball, a married man with one child, was now said to be unable to do heavy work. His employer wished to engage another hop drier to replace him.
CAPEL CRICKET CLUB - The annual meeting was held at the Congregational Hall on Thursday. Mr. A. Burton presiding. Mr. C. Fiddis, (Treasurer) presented the statement of accounts, which showed a balance in hand of £1 (£30 today). The Secretary, Mr. H. Tully, reported that of the 13 matches played, 7 were won, 5 lost and 1 drawn (a tie). A. Mercer headed the batting averages, and S. Tully the bowling, taking 55 wickets for 354. Thanks were accorded the Rev. W. R. Holman for the use of the ground, and Mr. R. Wickens for presenting the Club with a roller and executing various repairs free of cost. Mr. W. Tolhurst was elected Captain; Mr. S. Tully, Vice-Captain; and Mr. H. Tully, Secretary.
MORE STIRRUP PUMPS - The report of the Head Warden on the organisation of fire watching and fire-fighting parties stated that a further stirrup pump* had been ordered to be placed at the disposal of fire parties. Half-filled sandbags had been distributed to all parishes, and sand was now being supplied to householders. It was hoped that the work on the new shelters at Five Oak Green, Langton and Pembury would commence shortly.
* Manually operated, stirrup pumps allowed water to be directed in a jet of up to 10 metres and were provided to extinguish magnesium incendiary (fire) bombs dropped from enemy aircraft.
CAPEL W.I.- Mrs. Smith presided at the monthly meeting. A talk on 'The Countrywoman in France' was given by Mrs. Enright, Shipbourne. An Australian food parcel* was opened, each member receiving one tin. Three members tied for first prize in the mince pie contest - Mrs. Avis, Mrs. M Wickens and Miss Looker. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Avis and Mrs. Allen. There was an animal team race for the social half-hour.
*Food parcels - usually tins of meat or fruit - from Australia (and other former Dominion countries) were received in the UK until the early 1950s. The parcels were sent by individuals and charities as a goodwill gesture to supplement strictly rationed food in post-war Britain.
Other months down the years:
At the Tonbridge Petty Sessions, James Parferment, of Cox's Cottage, Five Oak Green, was fined five shillings (£20 today) for showing a light at gone midnight. Police Officer Ayres said it could be seen from 200 yards.
NOVEMBER 1927 A successful dance arranged by the members of the Girls' Club was held at the Bridge Hall. Musical accompaniment included Mrs King on the piano and Mr King on the swanee whistle.
Mr and Mrs A. Cogger, of Old School Cottages, held a party at the Goldsmid Hall on the occasion of the coming-of-age of their daughter Miss Doreen Cogger. About 40 guests were entertained.
Resident cook required. Good wages and conditions, uniform provided. Capel Isolation Hospital, Five Oak Green.
Mrs Tully, of Rose Cottages, Five Oak Green, has received information that her husband, Private Albert Tully, 41, has developed trench fever and is in hospital in Newcastle. He was formerly a postman in the village.
The monthly meeting of the Capel-cum-Tudeley WI was held in the Institute, Five Oak Green, where a talk on "Ideal Clothes for Children" was given by Mrs Sprott. After tea there were games and singing.
J. Noakes, a Capel Football Club linesman, was suspended by the Division Three local league for 28 days and fined 2s 6d (about £8 today) for objectionable conduct and swearing at the referee.
Mr William Roberts, who died last week at the age of 80, was for 17 years licensee at the Alders Inn, Capel. In retirement he lived in Crowborough.
A very successful entertainment in aid of blind soldiers was given by children attending Tudeley Sunday School. The performance in Goldsmid Hall concluded with the sketch "Mrs Mulligatawny's Spring Cleaning."
Capel scored a huge 9-0 away victory over Hungershall. Although beaten so often, the home custodian nevertheless put up an excellent show saving numerous shots from all angles. The successful Capel marksmen were E. Montandon (3), J. Simmons. F. Powley, P. Cox. R. Powley. J. Avis and W. Hope.
In the early hours of Thursday morning burglars entered Tully's stores in Five Oak Green and removed a quantity of sugar, sweets, clothing etc.
The Saturday bus service from Paddock Wood to Tonbridge came under fire at Capel Parish Council with locals from Five Oak Green and Tudeley complaining they were regularly left standing in the road with no hope of getting on the already full-up service.
The Vicar of Tudeley, the Rev. G.L. Lachlan, his wife and family have been relieved to receive a letter from Germany from their second son, Hugh Robert. He had been officially reported as missing after action on November 30 but has survived shoulder and leg wounds, though he is a prisoner.
A meeting of the Tudeley and Capel Women's Institute was held in the Bridge Hall, Five Oak Green, where Mrs W. Tolhurst presided. A demonstration on upholstery was given by Miss Harker.
Capel Hospital Committee heard that the number of members in the Pay Day Fund had risen in 1937 to 278 in Five Oak Green and 190 in Tudeley with £111 and £76 paid in respectively.
Before a mixed audience, Capel Gardeners' Society showed a film entitled "Garden Pests and Tomato Growing."
MARCH 1918
Tricycle wanted: Pneumatic, low frame; must be perfect -- and cheap. Queens Head, Five Oak Green.
MARCH 1928
Wanted from April 5 by missionary on furlough: Young holiday governess, gentlewoman. Light house-duties, maid kept. Apply to Mrs Walton. The Lodge, Capel Grange.
MARCH 1938
The annual meeting of Capel Cricket Club was held in the Institute in Five Oak Green. Mr C. G. Pemble presided and Mr C. J. Edwards presented the balance sheet which showed a surplus of £6 19s 2d compared with £9 9s 1d the previous year.
MARCH 1948
A dance organised by the Five Oak Green Women's and Girls' Club was held at the Goldsmid Hall where Mr A. E Ward provided music gramophone records. Mr H. Firmore was Master of Ceremonies.