February 1891


An inquest at the Alders Inn relative to the death of George Maynard, 10 years of age, the son of an agricultural labourer working for Mr W. Levitt heard that the lad was on the ice of a deep pond close to Capel Church Farm when he fell through and disappeared. 

A man named William Berwick at once plunged into the water but was unable to reach the poor little fellow and was so exhausted that he had to be hauled out himself.

The jury returned a verdict of accidental death and complimented Mr. Berwick on his conduct. The Coroner endorsed the expressions of the jury and said that he regretted that he had no civic fund to reward him but he handed him a small honorarium from his own pocket.

He further announced that Mr. Berwick had saved two persons from drowning previously and the Royal Humane Society should be made aware.